Author: Chris Walsh

  • Self Compassion

    Self Compassion

    Being kind to yourself, seeing your self as having normal human imperfections and being mindfully aware form the basis of self compassion. Self compassion is a much more helpful quality to develop than self esteem. Self esteem development programs have been spectacularly unsuccessful. Moreover high self esteem is not necessarily a positive quality. A person can…

  • Love, Courage and Wisdom

    Love, Courage and Wisdom

    LOVE without COURAGE and WISDOM is sentimentality,as with the ordinary church member. COURAGE without LOVE and WISDOM is foolhardiness,as with the ordinary soldier. WISDOM without LOVE and COURAGE is cowardice,as with the ordinary intellectual. Therefore one with LOVE, COURAGE, and WISDOMis one in a million who moves the world,as with JESUS, BUDDHA, and GANDHI.